At the end of January I went to Washinton, D.C. for the Pro-Life march. I didn't go through Rockhurst, though I'm very involved in Hawks for Life and we did send a group of students; of course, I went with the teens. I served as a chaperone for the youth group.
It was my first time, I'd never been able to go to the March in high school, though I had always wanted to be there. Pro-Life issues are so important to me and my faith, and it made me very sad never to have been there to show that in this wonderful way. And it's not just about abortion, as so many think. Though that is one of the most heated, well-known, and pressing Pro-Life issue, it is not the only one. I went on the March, well, because I love the teens, but also because I wanted to march against abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, unjust war, and any other issue that places life in the hands of man, that takes life before its natural end.
It was a wonderful and exhausting experience (18 hour bus rides aren't quite conducive to sleep). But I do so love Washington and the teens. And may I just
take a moment to say how much I love Lincoln and how the below words can bring tears to my eyes...
Love and prayers
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