Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm Movin' On

It summer time!!! Good bye Rockhurst...I'll return soon.

On the drive home I had a bit of a moment. I put in my cd from my first Retreat on the Rock, freshmen year. How much changed between my first as a retreatant and my second as a leader, oh how terribly much. It's been probably about a year since I'd listened to the cd and I forgot a lot of the songs on it. One of those songs is Rascal Flatts' "I'm Movin' On". I always loved that song, but when I heard it this time, it resonated with me so much more than ever before. There I was driving on Highway 70, crying. How pathetic! I'm sure you've had moments when a song really moved you and spoke to what you're going through. Well, this was just such a moment. A moment of realization, sadness, and yes, moving on. There were so many struggles in so many aspects of my life this year, but now I'm leaving them behind. I still have another year at Rockhurst, but I feel like this summer is a fresh start for me somehow.

I sold what I could and packed what I couldn't
Stopped to fill up on my way out of town
I've loved like I should but lived like I shouldn't
I had to lose everything to find out
Maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road
I'm movin' on
~Rascal Flatts

Love and prayers

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hawks for Life Rosary

For Mother's Day we went to Planned Parenthood the day before to pray all four mysteries of the Rosary with the bishop and, I think, a couple hundred other Catholics from the area. It was rather chilly but still really awesome. Have I ever mentioned on here how much I love being Catholic because I do. A whole bunch:) It just brings me such great joy. Especially at times like that. It was beautiful. I love seeing Catholics ban together to stand up for what we believe and what the faith is.

Thanks for being pro-life, mom:)

Love and prayers

Friday, May 7, 2010


Is it strange that I actually look forward to finals week? I feel like it is. It's just so much easier than the rest of the year for me. Not that finals are necessarily easy, but the rest of the year is completely filled with a new book every week for just about every class and papers and essays all the time. It's craziness! But exams, for me anyway, consist of just a test a day basically. This year I had a couple of research papers I needed to finish up, but still, it was a vacation compared to the rest of my semester. No classes, no meetings, just a couple of hours a day spent studying, a couple hours spent on papers, and done. The rest of the time I could spend with my friends, watching tv or movies, or just strolling around campus...something I haven't been able to do nearly enough this year. Beautiful.

Love and prayers

By the way, sorry I haven't had many picture recently. I used to carry a camera with me everywhere and take pictures of everything. This year though I've started slacking off. No worries, I'll get myself back in track this summer:)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dead Day

Dead Day is great. Not because of the no class in the middle of the week, but because of Midnight Breakfast! Everyone loves Senate Midnight Breakfast. All you have to do is bring some non-perishable food, or one dollar, and you get a delicious breakfast in the middle of the night. It's Student Senate's little gift to the student body the night before finals begin. I went and ate with my CLC after our meeting. It was wonderful. I rarely laugh as much as I do with them. Such wonderful people.

Love and prayers

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

7 Months

Seven months. Just a little over half a year. It seems like such a long time, and yet no time at all. Oh, how God has blessed me. Life can be so difficult sometimes, but God always seems to find a way to lend his grace to any situation, especially the difficult ones, in some small or large way. If only we always knew how to spot Him...

Well, in this situation, I have no trouble locating Him. He is in every moment and in every action.

So much love and so many prayers

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This year for Rockstock MotionCity Soundtrack came. I was super excited cause, ya know, kind of love them. Every year, I think Rockstock gets better and better. We just keep getting awesomer bands (yes, I did just say awesomer, and yes, I am ashamed of myself) to come, plus there's always cool stuff to do...even though there's no longer the Butt-Scketch Artist, tear. Plus this was the first time I was able to get a beer at the exciting! Unfortunately though, I wasn't really there. I had a rough day and wasn't really in the mood for the crowd and noise. I tried, I was there for basically one song from one of the opening bands, Mayday Parade, but then I left. Kind of sad I missed it, but that's alright, Gabe and I talked for a long time and then went and got ice cream and beer. Yum!
Moral of the story? Ummm...don't miss out on something like Rockstock without good reason...but hey that good reason could lead to something even better, so don't do something just so you won't feel like you missed out:)

Love and prayers