Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Humans vs. Animals: What Feminism Has Done to Our Nature

Tonight in my American Literature class an interesting point was made while looking at the poetry of Robert Frost. In the animal kingdom have you noticed that the more beautiful creatures are the males? Male birds are more colorful, their songs more beautiful, male lions have long, glorious manes, etc. There is usually something more distinctive about the males among animals. Why is this? To attract a mate, of course! If the male wants to reproduce, which is one of the most basic instincts, he has to be the showiest, the most beautiful and attractive, he has to fight for a female's attention. While the females are often more dull in color and less majestic in appearance. The male doesn’t look for that outward beauty in a mate. In humans, however, it's the opposite. The female has to be beautiful, has to look and act a certain way, do everything she can to attract the attention of a man.

What happened to wooing?! Why don't men pursue women anymore? Why are women now forced to fight for the attention of men? Granted we aren't mere animals, we are the pinnacle of creation. We are capable of intelligent thought and reasoning. So why does it seem that we are going against what is natural?

I'm sure most men have no problem with this. I'm also sure that most women wouldn't like my view on the cause of it.

Enter the world...feminism.

A woman should be cherished, not forced to degrade her body and over-all worth because it has become ingrained in men to not show her love and admiration otherwise. Second-wave feminists wanted sexual freedom and they got it...and now we must all deal with the objectification and sexualization that this so-called "freedom" has left us with.

Obviously, I don't like feminism. Don't get me wrong, good has come from it. Things that needed to happen happened. Women should have political, economical, and social freedom and equality. HOWEVER! equality doesn't mean we're the same. Men and women are different. I know, it's a shocking statement, but we have been created differently, with different purposes and strengths, different roles and responsibilities in regard to each other. What feminism has done is created characteristic equality. It has de-gendered identity, and thus confused our roles. It has worked to destroy femininity, and even true masculinity. Women are told that they should be treated as equals to men and to accomplish this they have to fight harder for it, be tougher, more rigid...they have to be de-feminized. It's become deeply rooted in our society that in order for a woman to be treated as equal to a man she must act less womanly and more manly. So where does that leave the feminine role? And where does that leave men? They have to take up some of that role that does not truly belong to them. Masculinity no longer belongs to man and femininity no longer belongs to woman. Our identities, roles, and responsibilities are muddled together, leaving us no true cultural male/female identity.

And people wonder why marriages fall apart, why divorce rates have increased...

People wonder why we're unhappy, why depression and suicide rates have increased...

Thank you feminism...for all you've done to "help" us poor women live more fulfilled lives. Thank you for depriving us of our true identity and purpose. Thank you for decreasing our great worth to society.

1 comment:

  1. I temporarily forgot that this is not facbeook. I seriously thought "why did they take away the 'like' button?" Thus, I am commenting (which is probably more fun anyway). I enjoyed this post. I love when I can think about femininity for new reasons!
