This year for Rockstock MotionCity Soundtrack came. I was super excited cause, ya know, kind of love them. Every year, I think Rockstock gets better and better. We just keep getting awesomer bands (yes, I did just say awesomer, and yes, I am ashamed of myself) to come, plus there's always cool stuff to do...even though there's no longer the Butt-Scketch Artist, tear. Plus this was the first time I was able to get a beer at the concert...so exciting! Unfortunately though, I wasn't really there. I had a rough day and wasn't really in the mood for the crowd and noise. I tried, I was there for basically one song from one of the opening bands, Mayday Parade, but then I left. Kind of sad I missed it, but that's alright, Gabe and I talked for a long time and then went and got ice cream and beer. Yum!
Moral of the story? Ummm...don't miss out on something like Rockstock without good reason...but hey that good reason could lead to something even better, so don't do something just so you won't feel like you missed out:)
Love and prayers
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