Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Sunday Night

The topic for this week's Women's Night was Parents. When we were planning the topics and order of these nights, Melissa didn't seem too keen on a night on parents, but I thought it was an important topic to cover...I really think that it's important for children to appreciate their parents and all they do. Unfortunately, this meant that I was the one leading the night. Yikes! I really am not a fan of speaking to or in front of people. It's not the attention that gets to me, though (as it used to be), it's more that I'm afraid that what I'm saying isn't really relevant, that they know it, that they've heard it, that I'm straight up wrong, that I just sound like an idiot, and so on. I'm also just not an organized person, my thoughts are ALL OVER the place so most of the time my words are as well. Oh well, I got through it, and I think it went alright...although now, of course, I'm thinking of all these things that I should have said or ways to say things better. Isn't that just how it always goes?

Some of the boys from the youth group (they call themselves AYMen...haha) were outside with popcorn and soda to share with us afterwards. We hung around for a few minutes, but then decided to go to ColdStone for ice cream. Let me just say, our teens are wonderful human beings. I really enjoy hanging out with the boys. They seem to firmly believe in chivalry, something that is sadly lacking from our world. It's not the kind of chilvary where they treat women like fragile things that can't do anything for themselves, though, it's more that they have a deep respect for women and simply desire to be kind, courteous, and thoughtful. It's really lovely to see young men who treat women this way and have such wonderful standards for themselves.
Rob, Joe, and Tim...our chivalrous young men? Oh yeah.

After this, the girls decided to go to Steak 'N Shake because, yes, we were still hungry. Oh goodness, what a time. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Some absolutely ridiculous things happened and were said, and the three girls I was with got to hear my real laugh. I laugh...A LOT. But I have this one laugh that only comes out on very rare occasions, and it's, well, it's somethin' else and it's absolutely uncontainable. I'm sitting on my bed right now, feeling as if I just got done with an intense workout because of how hard I laughed. It was very much needed though. I've been working so much this week and I've just been feeling really stressed, but for the moment, at least, I feel wonderful.

I'm going to be writing another post right away for the sake of AYM Women, just about the topic of tonight's session. Of course, you're welcome to read it, but don't feel like you have to if you don't want to hear me talk about parents.
I know you won't actually be hearing me talk, but I didn't want to use 'reading' because it felt redundant and I hate redundancy in writing.

Love and prayers

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