Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thoughts Brought On By Women's Night

What has happened to young women? To little girls? To grown women? What has society done? Why do we let it continue?

As little girls we have such great dreams that are placed in our hearts by God. Little girls are filled with joy and hope, compassion and fairy tale visions. As we grow older we're introduced to society's vision of beauty and happiness. We become less and less content with our appearance and our life with each passing day and year. We notice more and more imperfections in our bodies, our personalities, our performance in school and sports, our relationships with friends and family, etc. As we get even older our bodies become even less beautiful in our own eyes, we don't have good enough jobs, and we're not satisfied with our romantic lives/families...or lack there of. Our culture tells us we're not skinny enough, rich enough, or loved enough.

After women's night, when we were on the playground, one of the teens asked why people (aside from old ladies) don't tell her that she's cute unless she says something. Earlier in the evening, many of the girls indicated that their self-confidence is based on others' (especially boys') opinions of them. I am , of course, prone to the same weaknesses that all women in our society are. I doubt my own beauty, appeal, ability, and intelligence. I question my future and wonder what others think of me. We all watch movies and TV shows, listen to music, read magazines and books that show us what our lives should be...what we should be. Is this enhancing the vision of femininity that God intended?

In the creation story God created Eve after Adam. Is this because men are better? Superior? They should come first? No. It's because man was not enough. He was not complete. He needed a feminine counterpart to be whole. God created woman with a perfect vision for her. A vision of love and compassion, great strength, joy, and beauty that travels past the skin, into the soul. Where has this vision disappeared to? Why does society cover it, destroy it, even, in so many women? I wish I knew. The more baffling and infuriating question, however, is why do we let society continue to destroy God's vision? To destroy the self-confidence, the dreams, the joy of little girls?

Everyone was formed the way they are by the hands of God, our Father. He created humans in His own, glorious image. Every woman is beautiful. That teen on the playground, she is beautiful. Despite what society tells us, the feminine spirit and form is a gorgeous thing that should not be altered, doubted, or stifled.


  1. You are so wise. I love you. I want to copy this and hang it on my wall, read it, and feel its wisdom permeating my being. Also because then I will be able to brag about my wise friend.

  2. I don't doubt your beauty, appeal, ability, and intelligence :)

    Nice piece of writing by the way

    Christopher Tran
